▸ How often should I do TRE®?

If you are not experiencing any adverse reactions to TRE®, it is recommended to practice every 2nd or 3rd day or so for the first few weeks so you can see how you respond to the process over the following days and nights. The key thing is that you don’t do more tremoring than you can easily integrate; both in terms of how often you do TRE® & more importantly, how long you tremor for in each session. This means some people may need to stop and rest after a minute or so, then start tremoring again when ready, while others may tremor for up to 10 -15 minutes in a single session. Just like eating food – the key is to not overdo it.

Those who find TRE® energizing tend to do the process in the mornings or afternoons or when requiring additional energy, while those who find them relaxing tend to do them at the end of the day to assist with deeper sleep. You can also add TRE® to your existing exercise programs, either before, during, or after as suits you best. Ideally, TRE® is a tool for you to use throughout your life rather than a one-off ‘treatment’ for any specific condition. Just like brushing your teeth, TRE® is ‘somatic hygiene’ for your mind & body. Make it a regular part of your life to optimize your overall health and wellbeing. Most importantly, if you are experiencing any difficulties with the exercises or integrating the effects of TRE® at all, consult a TRE® provider for further assistance.

▸ Do I have to do all the lead-in & standing exercises?

No – most people do most of their tremoring simply using the final floor positions or ‘Quickstart’ component of the exercises – simply lying on the floor at the end of the workday or even in bed before sleep or upon waking in the morning. Most people find they can activate the tremors easily in this butterfly position after a little bit of practice, or by adding it to the end of other exercise programs such as pilates, yoga, running, or gym.

If you haven’t exercised first, doing the full series of TRE® lead-in exercises (available here) will often tend to invoke stronger and more sustained tremors to release more deeply held tension from the body. It is recommended you use the full TRE® lead-in exercises if you are having difficulty invoking the tremors,  if you are experiencing a plateau in results, or if you are experiencing a repetition in your tremoring pattern without any progression or change at all for more than 3-4 weeks

▸ Will TRE® release emotions?

While the tremors primarily focus upon releasing physical tension from the body, for some people this relaxation allows emotions to arise that have been held in the body as chronic tension and bracing. While most people experience little emotional content during the exercises, for some emotions can be felt arising either with or without associated thoughts or memories. As long as you are comfortable with these emotions & they are not overwhelming you in any way, simply allow them to arise and release in the same way you allow the tremors. It can be helpful to stay focused on the physical experience or sensations of these emotions rather than getting carried away by the emotional experience itself, and to allow the emotions to be expressed as physical movements including in the muscles of the face. If you are experiencing emotions that are overwhelming or too uncomfortable, stop the process by discontinuing the exercises, laying your legs out flat or lying on your side, or even getting up & walking around the room. In such cases, you should consult a TRE® provider who can support you & help guide you to self-regulate the process more effectively.

▸ What if I felt overwhelmed in the days following the exercises?

The absolute golden rule of TRE® is to never do more tremoring than you can comfortably integrate into your life. If you felt physically, emotionally, or mentally overwhelmed in any way after tremoring, it is generally a sign you have done too much tremoring during the session & have not yet become aware of the body signals to let you know that your body has had enough tremoring, or is resisting further movement & letting go. If you are confident to try again, Reduce the duration of tremoring in each session but also look for any subtle physiological responses your body may be giving you during your tremoring session indicating it has had enough tremoring or needs a short break. These include (but are not limited to) physical pain & discomfort, tension or bracing that is resisting the movements (especially in the face, breath & belly) cold or numbness anywhere in your body, or feeling tired, foggy, or drowsy. If you are unable to successfully self-regulate the process on your own, contact a TRE® Provider as they will be able to guide you to recognize these subtle signs that will allow you to self-regulate the process more effectively. Remember, TRE® is not a psycho-emotional process and is not intended as a substitute for professional assistance where required. While the tremors do not create new emotions or overwhelm the body, for a small percentage of people if not self-regulated effectively, the tremoring may reveal habituated defensive or over-whelm patterns that may require professional assistance for integration and resolution.

▸ Why do I shake differently from other people?

Just as every person’s life experience, body history and pattern of holding tension is different, the shaking will be individual and specific to your body’s needs. You will generally find the body shaking & moving in different places or in different positions each time you do the exercises. Often the tremors will also change between stronger, larger ones and smaller finer ones during the one session. Your body may also move or twist itself into positions that create stretches or holds without tremoring for a few minutes known as myofascial releases. As long as you are OK with what you are experiencing, allow your body to move, shake, tremor, twist and turn itself however it decides to move you.

▸ Why are the tremors only in my legs and pelvis?

Your body will move however it needs to release its specific pattern of tension and holding. Depending upon the positions or lead-in exercise used, the shaking will often begin in the legs and pelvis before gradually moving throughout the rest of the body over time. This could occur within 1 session or over weeks, months & years as the deep chronic holding patterns preventing the free flow of energy & movement throughout the body are gradually released.

If you are not experiencing an ongoing progression of new movement & greater freedom in your body with ongoing practice, consult a TRE® provider for further guidance & support. All Certified TRE® Providers are trained on how to facilitate the tremors to ensure you continue your progression over time & get the most out of your practice. Remember TRE® is a tool for ongoing use rather than a one-off intervention. If you are not finding you are in a perpetual state of growth & greater freedom in your body, contact a  TRE® provider as you are not yet getting the benefits that TRE® is offering you.