Block Therapy Programs


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By opting into the Newsletter, you will also receive Deanna’s e-book “Fascia Decompression” – The Missing Link In Self-Care”. 

Free 20 Minute Stress Reliever Video

Stress is something that we all experience and cannot avoid in our day-to-day lives. However we can manage it by addressing the fascia system – not just the nervous system.

This video will share a simple and efficient exercise to decompress your core, access your diaphragm and connect to your proper breath to manage your stress and anxiety. 

Ultimate Fascia Decompression Starter Kit

Your Starter Kit Includes: 

  • 5 Steps to Control Your Pain pdf complete with exercises that you can implement today 
  • The most important Block Therapy position 
  • 3 postural exercises you can apply immediately to see results (no equipment required)
  • Our most recommended blogs to expand your knowledge of fascia decompression and how it relates to your health and healing
  • Direct access into our Block Therapy Facebook Community group

Starter Package

The Starter Program lays the foundation for the transformative world of Block Therapy and fascia decompression.
It has empowered tens of thousands of people to conquer chronic pain, accelerate recovery, enhance performance, help manage size and shape, improve overall flow throughout the body for optimized health, and much more.


  • Starter Package (lifetime access)
  • Block Buddy, Block Baby or both Blocks
  • Getting Started Videos
  • Healing Crisis & Rib Release Videos
  • Fascia Foundations | 12-Part Starter Program
  • Beginner Positions & Descriptions
  • Bonus: 2 hour Special Intensive on Seated Whole Body Support ($79 value) 
  • Next Steps Videos

Sampler Program

Are you looking to experience what it’s like to decompress your fascia before you dive into Block Therapy? The Sampler Program consists of 9 videos where we share some of the basic principles of Block Therapy, using a rolled-up towel as the tool. This will give you an
understanding of fascia decompression and how significant it is to work in your fascia for on- going health and wellness. We share some of the position to open the flow to improve oxygenation to cells, as well as some strengthening exercises to pull your body back into better alignment. you will gain an understanding of Block Therapy with this program, which may engage you to want to explore the deeper connections that are made with the practice.


This link will bring you to the Block Therapy Membership page. This will give you a breakdown of what is included in the Block Therapy Membership and the options to join. 

Self-Care Program for Pets

In this program, you will learn how to apply Fascia Decompression techniques to your pet. Using only your hands, you will learn a number of different approaches to melting adhesions that run throughout your pets body to improve blood and oxygen flow to their cells, as well as improve lymphatic drainage. This will be a wonderful way to support your pet’s health lifelong.

Facelift Program

Beauty comes from the inside out. When looking to bring the youthful glow back to your face, it’s not about what you put on the surface. It’s about the flow that runs through the fascia to feed your cells. As the fascia is the communication system between cells, ensuring that the tissue is fluid and spacious is key to maintaining and even reversing the ravages of time.

Adhesion is fascia develop as gravity, combined with incorrect posture and unconscious breathing pull the body from balance. This is the body’s way of creating stability. This is also what creates wrinkles, age spots and sagging of the tissue. Fortunately, this can be undone through releasing adhesions and strengthening postural foundations.

As you free the fascial patterns created with time by releasing them, the accumulated debris is replaced with oxygen that plumps the cells and gives them that youthful glow combined with strengthening the tongue and jaw. You support cells in proper alignment to tone and sculpt. In just 3 weeks, you will be amazed at your reflection in the mirror – a younger and healthier you, from the inside out!

New Kids on the Block

There Is No Better Time To Teach Your Kid Self-Care … Than Now! 

We are living in interesting times. The advancements in technology have brought many gifts, but also tremendous challenges. One of the biggest concerns is the posture of the youth.

Today, kids are very different in their bodies compared to those of us who weren’t slouched over an electronic device through our formative years. The collapse has created a challenge to properly feed and heal their bodies, something that we need to address in order to give them the best opportunity for long and healthy life.

Scoliosis Gone

Many people believe scoliosis is an issue with the spine, but in reality, it is an issue with the fascia system.

The fascia is the connective tissue holding every single cell in your body together. Scar tissue from trauma or compression from incorrect posture is dense and sticky and will seal to bone with a 2000 pound per square inch force. This is what will torque and manipulate the body to twist out of alignment. As much as the spine is considered to be the issue with scoliosis, it is in fact the alignment of the entire body that needs to be addressed.

People’s struggle with scoliosis is unique and individual. Everyone grips and torques in their own way. This is why Scoliosis Gone is designed to be flexible and interactive.

Block for Golf

I golf with the same group of guys and in all three rounds I’ve had at least one of them comment on how well, how different I’m hitting the ball. The first thing I noticed is how free I felt… I haven’t hit the ball that far or straight in a long time. 

~ Pierre

Additional Block